On the fly MP4 and HLS live recording

Good news! We have released the new Livebox with on the fly MP4 and HLS live recording

MP4 live recording
HLS live recording

With LiveboxTM 3.02, we have introduced live MP4 and HLS recording on the fly. Live recording means that you now have the option to directly you no longer need to wait for FLV files to convert into MP4. Apart from recording live on YouTube or Facebook, the Livebox server can keep an archive of all your live streams so that you can stay organized. This also helps you have a backup of all your files in orginal quality plus allow viewers to check out your latest live streams on-demand from anywhere.

Now, you can see the status of the channels that have live recording ON/OFF straight on the dashboard. The live recording can be of HLS format or MP4 format.

Grab your own livebox today! You can setup MP4 or HLS recording on the following screen. If you have multiple live streams, the files are automatically generated with a trailing id appended to the name of the file you provide. It is practically so simple to use the Live streaming with live recording feature compared to any other platform, service or server available in today’s market.

Also,remember that the IVB7 Livebox is the most feature rich box that you could possibly use to rely on for your broadcast related business. Nothing beats the IVB7 Livebox in-terms of straight practicality, cost and features. If you are someone who isn’t using Livebox for your live streams, you should get started right away. Get Livebox RIGHT now. Just go ahead and sign up at https://livebox.co.in and you will find your way smooth streaming in no time plus Live recording too.

Not only that, in the coming versions, you will be able to use a brand new video library with which you can embed and share anywhere.

IPTV Panel users can enjoy the new MP4 and HLS recording functionalities since you can instantly add VOD groups for your subscribers and viewers on your panel.

We still have a lot more in store that we’re super anxious about. We will be back with a lot more good news. Until then,enjoy streaming days ahead!

We are available to speak to you. Just give us a call at +919789978981