The Livepack LP-6 v.2 battery operated touch screen live streaming equipment

Let us welcome our newest innovations, the LP-6 Livepack v.2. IVB7 is the only manufacturer that provides rock solid reliable HD-SDI and HDMI inputs for you to connect your professional live streaming feed and stream away instantly.  With the LP-6, you also have the options to adjust the encoding settings at a very granular level. Never has it been so easy for news channels to live stream from anywhere instantly using such a portable touchscreen battery operated advanced video broadcast system.

Imagine just carrying your digital live production studio whereever you go. That is what the all new LP-6 v.2 is all about.LP-6 v.2 is Battery Operated, Portable, Touch Screen Equipment with all following facilities:

  1. It has Five Inputs – Two AV, Two HDMI,  & One HD-SDI
  2. It can be used for  Live Mixing with  built-in Touch Screen & Multi-screen.
  3. No additional Preview & Source Monitors required due to it’s state of the art HD LED touch screen panel
  4. It also has a Full HDMI Output for Live Relay
  5. It can be used for complete post production with any video editing software.
  6. It is fully equipped for low speed & high speed Internet Webcasting .
  7. It is equipped for TV Broadcasting, news, compering & video conferencing with Professional Mike for reporters from anywhere.
  8. It can Live Relay Full HD Video to TV , LED Wall & Projectors  from Anywhere to Anywhere.
  9. It can Broadcast on multiple social media websites simultaneously -eg. YouTube, Facebook & Twitter etc.
  10. It can directly convert any unlimited videos to be stored on websites.
  11. Additionally,It has the latest  Intel Nth Generation i7 Processor can also be used as a normal Desktop or Laptop so that all you need to carry is ONE device while you’re on your way to deliver your news feed or outdoor live event. 

Call us at +91-9789-9789-81 and book your IVB7 Livepack now. V.2 means more power in your hands on the go.

The LP-6 is compatible with any live streaming server however we recommend that you use LiveboxTM live streaming server to have the best live streaming feature due to the switch-CDN and other additional options that are present in Livebox.

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We are available to speak to you. Just give us a call at +919789978981