2019 News About the Livebox App Store, Live Load Testing and More

Introducing the All-New Livebox App Store.

Now, it is possible to browse server apps within LiveboxTM and install corporate business applications on demand.
All these apps have been tested and configured for production use so that Livebox users don’t have to worry about the technical details when it comes to installing and using different complex server-based business applications.

Livebox is the ONLY server that is so transparent about load testing. It shows live results about how much Livebox or any server can handle at a time.

Among the newly added apps to the Livebox app store, also known as the Livebox marketplace is the Live load testing app. The Live load testing app enables you to stress test any streaming link through simulation to check how many concurrent viewers the server can practically handle at a time.
Another very interesting app is the load tester for video on demand which simulates live viewers for videos on demand to see how well any server responds to a given situation.
The cloud playout, the Livebox playlist and multiple video conferencing apps including those provided by third parties are all going to be set up within your Livebox at the click of a button. Stay tuned as we share and explore new features that are getting added into Livebox in the upcoming weeks.
Meanwhile, if you have never used Livebox and want to really test drive it, signup at https://livebox.co.in to get started.

We are available to speak to you. Just give us a call at +919789978981