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What equipment do I need to livestream a church service?

church live streaming

After witnessing the recent days’ scenarios, you will probably never question, “Why live stream a church service?” Live streaming has aided churches, schools, and businesses to survive during the locked-down situations to reach out to the target audience using the safest and cheapest means.  Churches’ need for live streaming Online Churches are becoming more and […]

Disadvantages of using a shared CDN provider

Disadvantages of a Shared CDN Provider The truth about shared streaming CDN now revealed. Here are the top reasons why IVB7 let’s you own your CDN infrastructure. You may have heard wonderful things about transmitting websites and media content via a content delivery network (CDN), things like performance, scalability, reliability, and lower costs.  You may have heard […]

The Livepack LP-6 v.2 battery operated touch screen live streaming equipment

Let us welcome our newest innovations, the LP-6 Livepack v.2. IVB7 is the only manufacturer that provides rock solid reliable HD-SDI and HDMI inputs for you to connect your professional live streaming feed and stream away instantly.  With the LP-6, you also have the options to adjust the encoding settings at a very granular level. Never has […]