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Live video streaming and server without recurring costs

CDTECH is the only streaming product manufacturer who can provide Live video streaming without recurring costs. Are you tired of paying again and again every month or every year for your Live streaming CDN service? Well, here’s good news for you. You no longer need to pay for streaming servers because now you can OWN one. We  […]

Live video mixer with Livebox

Let’s have a look at all that we can do using the IVB7 Live mixer in combination with the other IVB7 products like the IVB7 Livebox. Live streaming can be made so professional and easy with the use of the all new IVB7 live mixing software. IVB7 Mixer enables you to mix from a variety of input sources such as video cameras, other […]

IVB7 Medical equipment integration and engineering for doctors

Several doctors currently use the IVB7 suite of products in their day to day surgery webcasts and video surveillance integrations. Contact us to know how hospitals, clinics and renknowned doctors use the existing IVB7 products in their work flow. Have a look at the following diagram to see how do we engineer and design our circuit boards and products. […]

Wireless video transmission over long distances

The IVB7 video receiver is the only equipment that is meant purely for remote video receiving. It comes with an in-built speedtest and instant monitoring. You can monitor accurately whether the video is playing on the remote receiver or not plus you can control the remote receiver directly through the IVB7’s Livebox live video server. The remote receiver […]

Live video marketing & 360 degree video experiences

Live video marketing is the newest form of sales and marketing through live streaming. Add FutureStream (a 360 degree encoding and streaming initiative by IVB7) and you boost your abilities to reach a massive audience through multiple social media accounts. Live video streaming is the future of online marketing. How can you use Live video streaming […]